Business plan?
Making a good business plan is a lot of work, but it significantly increases your chances of success. This will give you an insight into the position, goals and feasibility of your company. It also gives the bank or other investors a good picture of your business.
What is a business plan?
A business plan describes in detail how you want to start your business. It is also called a company plan, business plan or entrepreneurial plan. Your business plan is a summary of all the parts of your business and what it will look like.
By making a good business plan, you investigate whether your idea is feasible in practice. And whether it is wise to become an entrepreneur. Every year, more than 100,000 Dutch people start their own business. Half of them quit within two years.
Why write a business plan?
For starting entrepreneurs who need financing, it is necessary to write a business plan. Writing a business plan is important even if you do not have an immediate need for financing. It gives you an insight into the viability of your business.
Is a business plan mandatory?
Drawing up a business plan is not compulsory. If you need start-up capital for your business and reach out to the bank or investor, you will have to write a business plan. Without a well-founded financial plan, you will not qualify for any financing whatsoever.
How do I make a business plan?
There are several freebusiness plan examples that you can use to draw up your own business plan. It then explains, step by step, how to put together a business plan. But is it easy? Everything but! Sometimes the terms are so complicated and the explanations so concise that it is difficult to work them out yourself.
Writing a business plan
We offer various toolsto help you do this. Think of examples, fill-in-the-blank templateslike the business plan template or guidanceon writing a business plan.
Boratech can compile a good business plan for you. You can get on with that. Together, we can shape your ideas and provide insights into its content. If you would like a suitable offer, please contact us here.

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