Juridische diensten

Legal Services



Why Legal Advice?

Entrepreneurs are keen to protect the trade and labor relations within their companies. Employees want fair deals and value for their efforts. The ambitions of one often intersect with the ambitions of another. Choose clarity. Pleasurable cooperation with customers, partners and employees does not have to clash with the fundamental principles. Everyone wants to get the most out of it, but should it be at the expense of others?

No, Boratech can help you to set down all the agreements, so that your ambitions can take shape. Will you still face a conflict or legal action? These can be very large cases that are being fought in front of a judge. These can include very small discussions about a clause in a contract. Both cases sometimes require legal expertise. Then we will use our accumulated network of specialised lawyers and notaries.

This is how we work

Boratech stands for a personal, practical approach. It is important to us that our services are comprehensible. We come quickly with clear and applicable advice, or directly involve the right professional to get clarity. So you know exactly what you can expect from us. Skilled, practical and at a favorable rate. In cooperation with lawyers, notaries and other colleagues, we offer a wide range of advice.

Legal Service Coverage

Choose clarity

Boratech is not satisfied until you are. Would you like to get to know us better and see the legal possibilities in your case? Then schedulean appointment for an informal meeting.
For further information regarding legal services, please contact us.

Juridische diensten
Juridische diensten
Juridische diensten
Juridische diensten

Business plan



Business plan?

Making a good business plan is a lot of work, but it significantly increases your chances of success. This will give you an insight into the position, goals and feasibility of your company. It also gives the bank or other investors a good picture of your business.

What is a business plan?

A business plan describes in detail how you want to start your business. It is also called a company plan, business plan or entrepreneurial plan. Your business plan is a summary of all the parts of your business and what it will look like.

By making a good business plan, you investigate whether your idea is feasible in practice. And whether it is wise to become an entrepreneur. Every year, more than 100,000 Dutch people start their own business. Half of them quit within two years.

Why write a business plan?

For starting entrepreneurs who need financing, it is necessary to write a business plan. Writing a business plan is important even if you do not have an immediate need for financing. It gives you an insight into the viability of your business.

Is a business plan mandatory?

Drawing up a business plan is not compulsory. If you need start-up capital for your business and reach out to the bank or investor, you will have to write a business plan. Without a well-founded financial plan, you will not qualify for any financing whatsoever.

How do I make a business plan?

There are several freebusiness plan examples that you can use to draw up your own business plan. It then explains, step by step, how to put together a business plan. But is it easy? Everything but! Sometimes the terms are so complicated and the explanations so concise that it is difficult to work them out yourself.

Writing a business plan

We offer various toolsto help you do this. Think of examples, fill-in-the-blank templateslike the business plan template or guidanceon writing a business plan.

Boratech can compile a good business plan for you. You can get on with that. Together, we can shape your ideas and provide insights into its content. If you would like a suitable offer, please contact us here.

Legalisatie en vertaaldiensten

Legalisation and translation services



Why legalise and translate?

Various legal documents that we see every day often also need to be legalised. These documents can then first be translated by one of our sworn translators, after which both the source text and the translation are forwarded to the Ministry of Justice, Foreign Affairs or the Courtfor legalisation. This depends on where the translator in question is registered as a representative of the country for which the document is ultimately intended, often an embassy or consulate.

Legalisation of documents

Legalisation is making an official document suitable for use in another country. For example, a birth certificate, marriage certificate or unmarried certificate. Legalisation involves checking whether your document has been issued by the right organisation. Legalisationis done with a stamp or sticker. Afterwards, your document is ready for use in the Netherlands. Legalisation can take a long time. So start on time.

Translating documents

As a final step, it is possible to have the legalised document translated.

Is your document not in Dutch, English, French or German? Then you should have it translated into one of these languages. You can have the document translated in the Netherlands or abroad.

Then the legalisation stamp for translation should not be overlooked. For fees for our legalisation services, please contactone of our employees.


Boratech will be able to provide the translation and legalisation of your documents as an additional part of our service offering. In general, only the hourly rate is charged. If you would like a suitable offer, please contact us here.

Legalisatie en vertaaldiensten
Legalisatie en vertaaldiensten
Legalisatie en vertaaldiensten
Jaarrekening online deponeren

Deposit financial statements online



If your company is a small legal entity, you can fileyour annual accounts online with the Chamber of Commerce. Our financial software is suitable for SBR, a standard method for creating and sending reports.

In collaboration with, among others, the Chamber of Commerce, the special internet service Deposit OnLine Webservice has been developed for digital online deposits.

Deposit OnLine Webservice connects directly to the web service of the Chamber of Commerce. This web service makes it possible to file annual reports electronically.

Deposit OnLine Webservice is an online transaction and approval system with which the annual reports are sent directly to the Chamber of Commerce within a secure online environment, where the annual reports are entered directly into the Chamber of Commerce system.

Boratech will be able to make the deposit at your request, as part of the subscription package. There are no additional costs involved.

If you would like more information, you can leave your details in the main menu via CONTACT.

Jaarrekening online deponeren
Gedegen bedrijfsadministratie bijhouden

Keep a Proper Administration



It is important for the tax authorities to know whether you obtain sufficient resources from your company to be able to provide for yourself. If you withdraw too little, the tax authorities could conclude that black money is circulating. To avoid this confusion, it is advisable to make a clear separation between business and private funds. The easiest way is to periodically withdraw a fixed amount for living expenses from your business by transferring to a private checking account. In addition, you must keep proper administration of the business cash. This means that you keep a cash book that you close regularly, for example per month. The monthly closing must show that the cash is not negative, or that you have not taken out more money from the business cash than is actually in it.

During a tax audit, the tax authorities look at all your administrative books. If these are not correct, the tax authorities can reject your administration. The tax authorities can then make an estimate of your taxable profit in a particular year. In addition, it is a criminal offense if you do not comply with the administration and retention obligations.

Another reason for good administration is of course the possibility to follow the developments of your results.

Boratech will be able to guide you through the construction and maintenance of a thorough business administration, as part of the subscription package. There are no additional costs involved.

If you would like more information, you can leave your details in the main menu via CONTACT.

Gedegen bedrijfsadministratie bijhouden